Friday, November 18, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Two blind persons
wanted to drink water
at the RagiGudda temple, Bangalore.

When they were unable to operate the tap,
this mother monkey opened the tap for them,
allowed them to drink water,
drank some water herself and then closed the tap
before leaving the scene.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

一位英国卡车司机到Bruton小镇运送饮料,由于盲从GPS导航的指引,他开到了两栋都超过300年的老房子的过道中被卡住了。卡车司机被迫在驾驶室中过夜,26小时后救援人员才将卡车弄出来。当然司机在当地出名了,事后他走进当地酒吧都会迎来人们的欢呼——oh yeah!

The newfound trapdoor spider isn't a true albino, since it still has some pigment—its body is brown, like those of other trapdoor spiders. But the 1.2-inch-wide (3-centimeter-wide) arachnid has been dubbed the albino trapdoor spider until it's formally described as a new species.